Dr. Preeti Nigam’s BLOGS

Harmful effects of Smoking for Women

Regardless of gender, smoking has very adverse effects on a person’s health.For women, smoking has become a serious health concern. You would be shocked to know that lung cancer claims the lives of more women each year than breast cancer does. Regardless of the type of manufactured cigarettes, bidis, water pipes, or smokeless tobacco, traditional hand-rolled-flavored cigarettes can have negative impacts on one’s health.

Effects of Smoking on women’s reproductive health

Women’s reproductive health is impacted by smoking. Smokers are more vulnerable to having really painful periods. Menopausal symptoms are more likely to be frequent and severe. In addition, they go through menopause one or two years earlier than women who don’t smoke. Individuals who smoke are more likely to encounter difficulties getting pregnant during pregnancy as well as postpartum. Furthermore, smoking can delay conception.

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of premature membrane rupture, bleeding between the placenta and the uterine wall (which can cause an emergency), placenta previa (where the placenta partially or completely blocks the opening of the cervix), and preterm delivery.

Children born to smokers are more likely to be underweight at birth than their peers are, and they are also at a higher risk of stillbirth and perinatal mortality. Smoking has an impact on breastfeeding and reduces the time and quantity of milk produced. Women who smoke also have a higher risk of developing coronary artery disease. It is advised that women who use oral contraceptives give up smoking.

Why quit Smoking?

Quitting smoking has numerous benefits. The risk of various illnesses decreases significantly in women who stop smoking. Quitting smoking during the first trimester of pregnancy can increase the weight of the developing baby. After quitting smoking, the risk of developing coronary artery disease might be reduced by roughly 25 to 50 percent during the first two years. In addition, the risk of paralysis and stroke reduces.

We urge you to quit smoking and experience the benefits that come with it. There is a lot of support available if you need it to give up smoking. So seek assistance and lead life to the fullest.

Dr. Manish Nigam’s Blogs